Prevention Methods


Coker University Campus Safety believes that a community committed to the prevention of crime promotes the safest possible environment. When a person enrolls at Coker University he/she voluntarily becomes a part of the academic community. They also assume obligations of performance and behavior that the college believes is necessary to fulfill its role and mission.

Officers patrol the campus on foot, on golf cart and in a marked security vehicle. Officers provide a visible deterrent and active response to criminal activity.

Escort services are available to campus members and visitors. A campus Safety Officer will accompany pedestrians on campus property during night-time hours or anytime a person is apprehensive about walking alone.

Safety shuttle service is available for physically challenged members of the community with transportation to sites on campus. The shuttle service is provided by a uniformed safety officer on a Campus Safety golf cart.

Safety Information is provided to educate, inform and encourage all members of the college community to practice crime prevention techniques. The information and programs available from the Campus Safety Office include:

  • Student and parent orientation
  • Crime prevention techniques
  • Personal property security
  • Sexual harassment, assault & rape prevention
  • Victim assistance
  • Brochures, videos and other materials.
  • Programs and presentations are scheduled annually and are also available upon request.

Maintenance and safety of campus facilities are the responsibilities of the entire campus community. Staff members attend to the college’s buildings and grounds with consideration for safety and security. Report irregular conditions, such as broken windows or locks, burned out lights, or other hazards, to Campus Repair at extension 383 8080 or Campus Safety extension 383 8140. Safety Officers will respond promptly to safety and security concerns. They will also contact maintenance staff in a timely manner and inform them of each situation.


Crime alerts and crime reports are released when serious crimes occur that are considered to be a continuous threat to members of the campus community. When circumstances warrant, information may be provided to the campus community through:

  • Fliers
  • Personal Notification
  • Campus Email System
  • Campus Alert System
  • Local Television Stations
  • Campus Newsletters

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